Newborn Photography by LaurieL Photography

New Blog!

Unfortunately, I have lost my blog, and everything it contained! I have been trying to get it back up and going for months now, to no avail. I have gone far too long without a blog…and have decided to just take it on myself, and not rely on anyone else anymore.

It’s so incredibly disappointing, as I have lost sooo much.  I had so many free lessons and all kinds of helpful information for photographers.  Years of sharing my work and experience with others.  It’s almost like having a house fire, and loosing so much that you worked so hard for.  I will attempt to rebuild everything, but it will take time, and I’m not sure that I will be able to re-capture everything I had posted over the years.  We’re talking 15 years worth of blogging for my photography business and the Photographers Prop Shop.  Yikes!

Recently, my focus has included a new genre, Woman’s Modern Portraiture, so I think I will be okay with this fresh, new Blog.  My on-line store, which used to focus only on Maternity and Newborn photography props, has now become a Thrift Store full of clothing and florals for photographers who photograph women!  It has also become a haven for editorial photographers, set designers, stylists and art directors.  I’m so excited about this new venture!  Having done photography for 15 years, it has allowed me to tap into my creative side at a different level.  I’m consumed with it!! My house is overflowing with tulle, lace, ribbon, pearls and florals…sooo many florals!  More on that in future blog posts!

I’ve always specialized in Maternity and Newborn Photography.  For 15 years, I have captured thousands (if not more), beautiful, ethereal images of pregnant women, their spouses, and their beautiful babies.  I have such a passion for it…and truly do love my work.  I have done hundreds of 1:1 Mentoring session for photographers from all over the world.  Germany, Panama, Isreal, France, Ireland, Canada, Turkey, Brazil…just to name a few. I think I get so many international clients because I allow them to stay here at my studio, which is on the lower level of our 3-story home.  It’s perfect, as it has a guest room and full bath right down the hall from the studio.  People will normally stay 3-8 days, which allows us to really connect.  They share meals with my family (everything is included in the price of the mentoring), and we truly become friends.  I pick them up at the airport (which is about 15 min’s from my home), and drop them off when they are finished.  This avoids them having to pay for a hotel, meals, or a rental car.  It truly is a wonderful situation…especially for international travelers.  I think my family could travel anywhere in the world, and have a friend to stay with!

I also was the first international speaker at the Newborn Conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil in April of 2014.  What a wonderful experience that was! I taught several classes while I was there as well. The people are just so amazingly wonderful and friendly!

I have truly been blessed with a business that has thrived, kept me happy, paid our bills (yes, I do this full time!), and allowed me to be with my family whenever I needed to be.  That said, I will end my first entry in this new blog of mine.  I look forward to blogging again, and sharing all I can with my photographer friends!


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